Dr. Guy Martini
General Secretary of Global Geoparks Network and Chairperson of the UNESCO Global Geoparks Council

Prof. Emeritus Dr. Ibrahim Komoo
Coordinator to Asia Pacific Geoparks Network (APGN) and Vice-President of Global Geoparks Network Association (GGNA)
Geopark Gunung Sewu Gunung Kidul
Video Dokumenter Geopark Gunung Sewu
By : Sari Bahagiarti Kusumayudha
Lecturer of Geological Engineering UPN Veteran Yogyakarta
Earth is indeed a special planet. On Earth, there are all kinds of natural resources needed for human life and other living things. However, this beautiful Earth is often disturbed and damaged by local interests. When human beings began to realize that the Earth is the most comfortable place to live, the awareness to save and maintain its supportive capacity began to grow. On the other hand, humans cannot live without taking the wealth that the Earth contains. So the concept of how to utilize but at the same time preserve the Earth's wealth emerged, one of which is by building a geopark.
One of the geoparks that Indonesia is proud of is Gunungsewu. Gunungsewu is known as a tropical karst area, stretching across three regencies and three provinces, namely Gunung Kidul Regency of Yogyakarta, Wonogiri Regency of Central Java, and Pacitan Regency of East Java. Covering an area of approximately 1500 kilometers square2, it is currently one of the favorite tourist destinations that is easily accessible from Yogyakarta, Wonosari, Wonogiri, and Pacitan. The specialty of this area is the diversity of natural scenery, geomorphological phenomena, hydrogeology, and quality geological heritages that support it as a global geopark.
A geopark is not just a national park. If a national park absolutely must be protected and preserved both the contents and the container, then the concept of a geopark is basically a promotion of geological heritage that needs to be built as well as preserved for the greatest benefit of the people. In other words, the geopark concept is the sustainable development of an area based on the preservation of geological heritage. In its management, it needs to involve the realm of research and education, and is also intended to stimulate economic activities within the framework of sustainable development. In principle, it is not necessary for the entire geopark area to be conserved (legally), therefore, within a geopark area, there can be industrial centers, even mining areas. However, important sites must be protected.
Gunungsewu contains various types of rocks, sediments, and igneous rocks that are millions of years old, various fossils associated with shallow marine life, including algae, corals and large foraminifera, various sedimentary structures, such as parallel lamination, graded bedding, bioturbation, fossilifeous, and cross bedding.As well as geological structures such as kinks, faults, and synclines. Geomorphological diversity from small-scale to mega-scale is the result of natural sculpture, in the form of conical hills, domes and ridges. On the other hand, negative morphology in the form of dolina, uvala, polje, luweng and lokva or locally known as lake, and irregular valley.
Gunungsewu Karst Domes
In the southern part of Gunungsewu, there is a series of beautiful beaches that are currently the main attraction of tourism in the area located in Gunungsewu. The combination of rocky shores, upright corals, white sandy beaches, and reef life runs from west to east, starting from Gunung Kidul Regency, Wonogiri Regency, and Pacitan Regency.
Sembukan Beach in Paranggupito District, Wonogiri
The Gunungsewu area also represents a specific and unique karst hydrogeological system. There are many underground rivers. In addition, many springs are found along the south coast. Hundreds of dry and watery caves can be found in the Gunungsewu area, with ornaments in the form of stalactites, stalagmites, limestone pillars, flow stones, sinders and so on.
With the existing geological potential, supported by local biodiversity and culture, Gunungsewu has been designated as a global geopark or GGN (Global geopark Network) by Unesco. As Indonesian citizens, especially those living in Wonogiri Regency, we should be proud, support, and protect this achievement. The positive impact of a geopark is that the economic development of the community is expected to increase through the tourism sector. Tourist visits both local and international will increase. This needs to be balanced with public awareness to maintain and preserve nature and the environment.
The preparation of Geopark development in Pacitan with the karst landscape theme (research, socialization, designation of the area as ecocars, construction of a karst museum in Wonogiri); including medical missions by Prof. Ibrahim Komoo and Prof. Tjia HD.
The establishment of Pacitan National Geopark.
Global Geopark candidate submission and assessment by the Global Geopark Network (Prof. Patrick McKeever & Prof. Ibrahim Komoo); submission rejected and recommended to expand the Geopark area to include the entire Gunung Sewu Karst ecosystem.
Development of Gunung Sewu Geopark; including the establishment of area protection in the form of Karst Landscape Areas in Gunungkidul Regency, Wonogiri Regency and Pacitan Regency, a mission of advice from the Global Geopark Network (Dr. Guy Martini), the establishment of a Geopark manager through a joint decree of 3 heads of government, and socialization to all stakeholders.
The determination of Gunung Sewu National Geopark and the preparation of a Global Geopark candidate proposal; including presidential and ministerial visits to Pacitan.
The determination of 3 geological heritage sites (Nglanggeran, Kali Ngalang, Siung-Wediombo) as Geological Reserves, the construction of a Geopark Information Center in Pacitan, a mission of advice from the Global Geopark Network (Prof. Ibrahim Komoo), and a Geopark assessment by Dr. Kristin Rangnes.
A mutual agreement between 3 ministers (Ministry of Energy & Mineral Resources, Ministry of Tourism, Ministry of Education & Culture), 3 governors (Special Region of Yogyakarta Province, Central Java Province, East Java Province) and 3 regents (Gunungkidul Regency, Wonogiri Regency, Pacitan Regency) about the sustainable development of Gunung Sewu Geopark, as well as the establishment of Gunung Sewu as a UNESCO Global Geopark after a 6-month delayed.
Promotion of Gunung Sewu UNESCO Global Geopark through various activities, as well as the construction of Geological Information Centers in Patuk and Ngingrong (Gunungkidul).
Gunung Sewu will undergo its first revalidation as a UNESCO Global Geopark.
The Pre Assessment Team of Gunung Sewu UNESCO Global Geopark Revalidation II (Kemenkomarvest, Bappenas, Geological Agency, BRIN, National Committee of Geopark Indonesia). Tuesday to Saturday, (11-15) April 2023 to review the readiness of Gunung Sewu UNESCO Global Geopark in preparation for Revalidation II of Gunung Sewu UNESCO Global Geopark.